
Cheap Chicken Coops For Sale in Willow, OK

Chicken Coops for Sale in Willow, Oklahoma

chicken coop for sale in 
  Willow OK

Building Chicken Coops - Should You Go With Fixed Or Mobile? by Chris Lambert Usually people think that a fixed design is better when building chicken coops. But before you jump the gun, let's look at a few important factors. If you're not sure which one is more suitable for your needs, we'll look at a few key things you need to know to help you make your decision. The first one is cost. Are you operating on a small budget for your chicken coop project? If that's the case, then a mobile coop is a less expensive solution. Is portability important to you? If you plan on moving in the future and would like to take your coop with you, then obviously a mobile one would be your only choice. However if you have a large number of chickens or plan on having more than you've got now, then it's something you have to plan ahead of time. If you have a large number of chickens, then mobile coop wouldn't work for you. As it's really designed for fewer chickens. They're usually small which makes them easy to move, but if you have a lot of birds, then you'll need a fixed coop. Another big benefit of a mobile coop over a fixed one, is it's a lot easier to clean. Because it's small in size you can easily move it to where the water is to hose it down. With a fixed coop, there's more work involved. When building chicken coops, if you're looking for the easiest way build, mobile would is a lot easier. However fixed coops are pretty simple to put together as well, but a mobile one is even easier. Are you limited in space? Fixed coops require more space then mobile ones. So if you have space restrictions, then a fixed coop wouldn't work for you. Protecting your chickens from weather changes is another consideration if you live in an area with sudden climatic changes. A mobile coop allows you to easily relocate, but with a fixed one you don't have that option. Keeping your chickens safe should be at the top of your priority list when building chicken coops. Having your coop by the house gives you a advantage of being able to watch your birds. That can be done with the mobile plan, but with a fixed one you'd be limited only to what you can see from a distance, as they are usually not right by the house. So as you start building chicken coops and begin going through the different plans and designs, keep these points in mind to help you make the right choice for your individual needs. Want a free chicken coop design download? You can find out how to get it on our blog at Plus you'll get more specific tips and ideas for your project.

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